Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Here's to Plans and to 2017!!!

Plans have changed again, but they are now "finalized!" Update on my current status and upcoming treatment:

  • I can get my port pulled whenever now, YAYAY!!! 😃😃😃😃😃
  • Docs have decided to remove my ovaries, instead of having me take esteogen blocking pills or injections for medically-induced menopause. I will also take a daily medication to help further block estrogen. We were just going to do the injections, but with the cysts on my ovaries we have decided to just remove them. YAYAY for birth control being taken care of!!! 😆😉😂😂😂
  • I will hopefully be getting my implants switched early next year also - DOUBLE YAYAY! Also, there is a rap in progress.....hehehe 😀
  • My scans did show stress fractures in both of my tibias, so I have to chill out on the 3 miles I've been running lol...yay/not-yay! Lol
My feelings: excited and terrified, but as always I know God's got this, and he will see me through my menopausal transition. And I know with my amazing friends and family and boyfriend, I will get through it and bounce back better than ever! I am so excited for's to new boobs and new adventures!!! 😆😀❤ And I pray you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ❤🎄