I want to be a blessed person, who does not keep company with sin (don't hang out at Sin Saloon, nor with sinners). I do not want to slink along Dead-End Road, as I want to use this life that God has so richly blessed me with for His purposes; which I know are so much greater than my own! And Lord, please help me not to be a Smart-Mouth, but to use my words wisely - to always build up and encourage others, and not participate in gossip.
I want to chew on and meditate on your word every day and every night. I desire to be like a strong tree with deep roots, bearing fresh fruit every month for You! Please lead me to streams of water, and may I take the time to rest beside them, so that I may water and nourish my soul with your word, and with time with you. I love the idea of always being in blossom, Lord! Always growing and blossoming like a beautiful flower, so that all the world can see your good works through me, and your strength in my weaknesses!!! Align my hopes, dreams, and desires with Yours, and to Your will for my life Lord. Thank you for your many, many blessings in this life. In Jesus' name, amen!!!